Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kids are busy on the farm

What have our farm program participants been up to this week? They've been learning all about plants and animals, taking part in farm chores, and having tons of fun!

Hoeing the soil in preparation for planting radish seeds

Feeding the chickens

Picking green beans in the back field

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's happening at the farm this week?

In the back field, the cabbage has all been picked. The summer squash, cucumbers, and eggplant are being harvested. And finally, the string beans are in flower and should be ready next week.

In the north of cottage field, it's time for some new plants. Red bunching onion and beet seeds have been planted.

For sale this week at the farm stand: eggplant, summer squash, cucumbers, cabbage, and garlic!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On sale at the farm stand this week

Get your red and green cabbage, summer squash, Japanese and Italian eggplant, parsley, and kale!

Monday, July 12, 2010


The back field has no way of being watered except by rain or by hand (like, with buckets of water). The conditions had been very dry on those two acres, but finally the rains came this weekend and re-energized the field! Things are looking good for the squash, cucumbers, eggplant and other vegetables for now.

187 years ago, Christopher Gore was having similar issues with his farm. On July 3, 1823, in a letter to his friend Rufus King, he wrote:

Strawberries & cherries are abundant & fine. Indian corn very
backward and unless we have rain soon, our potatoes will be few.
The last rain we had, of any quantity, was in May.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Farm at Waltham in the news!

We've had three different articles about the Gore Place farm and gardens in the news just this week! Check them out:

Getting back to the garden at Gore Place in the Boston Globe

Farm journals chronicle activity at Gore Place in the 19th century in the MetroWest Daily News

Gore Place summer program combines work and fun in the MetroWest Daily News

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

On sale at the farm stand this week

Stop by the farm to get some Swiss chard, beets, scallions, kale, eggplant, summer squash and red, green and mini cabbages.

Friday, July 2, 2010

On the Farm at Gore Place (a new summer program for kids!!)

A week-long hands-on farm program for children 6-8 years old! You'll help out with animal chores, plant seeds & learn about the life cycle of plants, harvest & eat vegetables from the farm & gardens, explore modern & antique farm equipment, take a hayride tour of the grounds and more!

July 26 through 30, 9am-12pm

$135 Dual/Family members, $150 nonmembers

Space is limited to 10 children, reserve by July 19. To reserve, email the Gore Place Education Coordinator at tamar.agulian at